Reduce Yard Waste – And Save Money
Bagging the grass when you mow means time and work, and if you send your yard waste to the landfill – money. Consider mulching instead, for a variety of benefits to your lawn, the environment, and your wallet:
• By not bagging your grass clippings you’ll save up to 30% mowing time. Time is money!
• Returned clipping debris will recycle back to the turf 1 to 1/4 lbs. of actual Nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. You can apply up to one third of the total Nitrogen needs of your lawn by simply returning your clippings.
• Grass clippings contain about 85% water, with the balance of the clippings rapidly decomposing to release Nitrogen and other essential nutrients back to your lawn. That means buying and applying less fertilizer!
• When the proper mowing frequency is maintained, clippings filter into the turf canopy without detracting from the beauty of the lawn or increasing the thatch layer. Kentucky Bluegrass can be cut to a height of 2” in the spring and 3” during the summer months.
• Yard waste takes time and equipment to pick up, and uses valuable space at the landfill.
For more information contact the Buffalo County Extension at (308) 236-1235, or the City of Kearney Sanitation Division at (308) 233-3206 and ask about the Don’t Bag It Program.